Linda Kovacs Web Development and Designs Gallery

Some of my projects

Web Development and Web Design Projects

Developed custom code to add functionality not available in Avada Theme and Design using:
WordPress - Avada Theme and Adobe Creative Suite.
Developed and Designed new Mobile-Friendly E-Commerce Website with Responsive Design website using:
WordPress and WooCommerce.
Developed and designed new Mobile-Friendly Website with Responsive Design website using:
Developed and designed new Mobile-Friendly Website with Responsive Design website using:
Apache Server, SQL, MySQL, PHP, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap.
Developed and Designed a new website
Maintenance and Updates website using:
Apache Server, SQL, MySQL, PHP, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, HTML, CSS.
E-Commerce Website
Maintenance and listing Updates.
Maintenance and Updates website using:
Apache Server, SQL, MySQL, PHP, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, CSS.
Maintenance and Updates website using:
Apache Server, SQL, MySQL, PHP, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, CSS.
Maintenance and Updates website using:
Apache Server, SQL, MySQL, PHP, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, CSS.
Developed Feedback Form using:
Apache Server, MySQL, PHP, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, CSS.
Developed Feedback Form using:
Apache Server, MySQL, PHP, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, CSS.
Developed Feedback Form using:
Apache Server, MySQL, PHP, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, CSS.
Developed and designed new Mobile-Friendly Website with Responsive Design website using:
MySQL, PHP, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap.
Developed and designed new Mobile-Friendly Website with Responsive Design website using:
Developed and designed new Mobile-Friendly Website with Responsive Design website using:
Developed and designed new Mobile-Friendly Website with Responsive Design website using:
Work in progress Jewelry Website
Developing and designing new Mobile-Friendly Website with Responsive Design website using:
Work in progress SPA Website
Developing and designing new Mobile-Friendly Website with Responsive Design website using:
DevFest'19 - Google Developer Group of Capital Region
Developed and Designed new Website
Maintenance and Updates website using:
Google Sites.
E-Commerce Website
Maintenance and listing Updates.
Developed and Designed new Website
Maintenance and Updates website using:
Developed and Designed monthly digital magazine for online private area using:
Adobe Creative Suite
(Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign).
Developed and Designed monthly digital magazine for online area using:
Adobe Creative Suite
(Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign).
A responsive website MERN Full Stack (Front End + Back End) using:
React, Redux, JSX, Axios, Node.js, Express.js, Database MongoDB, Mongoose, API, Server, OpenShift Cloud, HTM5, CSS3
Github Project - Demo
Python, Streamlit, OpenAI API.
Github Project - Demo
A responsive website Full Stack (Front End + Back End) using:
React, JSX, Node.js, Express.js, Database MongoDB, Mongoose, API, Server, Microsoft Azure Cloud, Figma, HTM5, CSS3 (BEM methodology).
Github Project - Demo
A responsive website using:
React, JSX, Figma, HTM5, CSS3 (BEM methodology).
Github Project - Demo
A responsive website using:
Figma, HTM5, CSS3 (BEM methodology), JavaScript/ES6, Webpack.
Github Project - Demo
A simple one-page website
using: HTM5, CSS3, following the BEM methodology.
Github Project - Demo
A responsive website using:
Figma, HTM5, CSS3, following the BEM methodology.
Github Project - Demo
A simple one-page website Yandex-Practicum Portfolio
using: HTM5 and CSS3.
Github Project - Demo
A mobile web app built in Team with a peer using:
Figma, HTM5, CSS3, following the BEM methodology.
Github Project - Demo
Simple Address Form React
using: Bootstrap, HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, CodeSandbox
Albany Can Code Project
To Do App React
using: HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, CodeSandbox
Random User Generator API and React Native Elements
using: React Native - FlatList, API, SnackExpoSandbox
Albany Can Code Project
To Do List App React
using: Bootstrap, HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, CodeSandbox
Albany Can Code Project
To Do App - React Native Hooks
using: React Native - Hooks, SnackExpoSandbox
Albany Can Code Project
Address Form App - React Native
using: React Native, SnackExpoSandbox
Albany Can Code Project
Retrospective Board React - Project #1 for Graduation
using: Bootstrap, HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, CodeSandbox
Albany Can Code Project
Github Project
Bookshelf React - Project #2 for Graduation
using: Bootstrap, HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, CodeSandbox
Albany Can Code Project
Github Project
Graduate Portal - Team Project #3 for Graduation
I worked on the Forgot and Reset Password Components
using: Bootstrap, HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, Redux, Axios, NodeJs, MongoDB, Mongoose
Albany Can Code Project
Github Project
Data Visualization - Team Project #4 for Graduation
I worked on Create React App code base for the project and on the Login and Logout Components
using: Bootstrap, HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, Redux, Axios, D3, NodeJs, MongoDB, Mongoose
Albany Can Code Project
Github Project
Parking Assistant React Native App for IOS/Android using: React Native, Stae API, Heroku,
Our Winning project at Hack Upstate XIII
Github Project - DevPost Project details
New York Times Bestsellers App
using: JavaScript, NYTimes API, Codesandbox
Careers in Code Project
Github Project - Demo
Chatroom App
using: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Node & Express, Body-parser, Moment, API, Glitch, Codesandbox
Careers in Code Project
Github Project - Demo
Inventory Manager - Full Stack App
using: React, Reactstrap, React Sore, React-Router, Codesandbox
Careers in Code Project
Carrers in Code Alumni - Full Stack App
using: React, NodeJs
Careers in Code Website
Built Tribute Page – Alex Kovacs Artist
using: HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap
FreeCodeCamp Project
Random Quote Machine
using: HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap
FreeCodeCamp Project
Product Landing Page
using: HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap
FreeCodeCamp Project
Built personal Portfolio
using: HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript
FreeCodeCamp Project
Survey Form
using: HTM5, CSS3
FreeCodeCamp Project
Wikipedia Viewer
using: HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, JSON, AJAX, API
FreeCodeCamp Project
Pomodoro Clock
using: Bootstrap, HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript
FreeCodeCamp Project
JavaScript Calculator
using: Bootstrap, HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuerry
FreeCodeCamp Project
Tic Tac Toe Game
using: Bootstrap, HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuerry
FreeCodeCamp Project
Simon Game
using: Bootstrap, HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript
FreeCodeCamp Project
using: HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, JSON, AJAX, API
FreeCodeCamp Project
Drum Machine
using: Bootstrap, HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, SCSS, Babel
FreeCodeCamp Project
Technical Documentation
using: Bootstrap, HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, SCSS, Babel
FreeCodeCamp Project
React Markdown Previewer
using: Bootstrap, HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, SCSS, Babel
FreeCodeCamp Project
Visualize Data with a Bar Chart
using: Bootstrap, HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, SCSS, Babel, D3
FreeCodeCamp Project
Drum Kit JS
using: HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript
JavaScript30 Project 1
JS and CSS Clock
using: HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript
JavaScript30 Project 2
CSS Variables and JS
using: HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript
JavaScript30 Project 3
Array Cardio Day 1
using: HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript
JavaScript30 Project 4
Flex Panel Gallery - JS30
using: HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript
JavaScript30 Project 5
AJAX Type Ahead - JS30
using: HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript, AJAX
JavaScript30 Project 6
Array Cardio Day 2
using: HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript
JavaScript30 Project 7
Fun with HTML5 Canvas
using: HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript
JavaScript30 Project 8
Dev Tools Domination
using: HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript
JavaScript30 Project 9
Hold Shift to Check Multiple Checkboxes
using: HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript
JavaScript30 Project 10

Flutter and React Projects

To Do App JS
using: Bootstrap, HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript
Quiz App JS - Udemy
using: Bootstrap, HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript
Udemy Project
To Do App React
using: Bootstrap, HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, CodeSandbox
Scrimba Project
T-shirt Meme React
using: Bootstrap, HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, Firebase, StackBlitz
Budget App JS - Udemy
using: HTM5, CSS3, JavaScript, CodePen
Udemy Project
Shrine - A sample shopping app for IOS/Android using: Flutter, Material Component, Dart
Google Dev Group Capital Region Meetup StudyJam Lab
Matrix Art Gallery App - Case Study
Designed Wireframes, Prototypes and Mokups using:
UX Project 1
Prototype - Mokup
Matrix Art Gallery App - Case Study
Designed Wireframes, Prototypes and Mokups using:
Adobe XD.
UX Project 2
Prototype - Mokup
OpenEdu App - Case Study
Designed Wireframes, Prototypes and Mokups for Responsive Mobile app, Tablet app and Website using:
Adobe XD
UX Project 3
Prototype - Mokup - Responsive Designs

Graphic Design Projects

DevFest'19 - Google Developer Group of Capital Region
Women Techmakers & Google Developer Group
Designed flyer using:
Adobe Creative Suite
(Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign).
DevFest'19 - Google Developer Group of Capital Region
Women Techmakers & Google Developer Group
Designed flyer using:
Adobe Creative Suite
(Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign).
#IamRemarkable Workshop a Google initiative
DevFest'19 - Google Developer Group of Capital Region
Women Techmakers & Google Developer Group
Designed flyer using:
Adobe Creative Suite
(Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign).
DevFest'19 - Google Developer Group of Capital Region
Women Techmakers & Google Developer Group
Designed flyer using:
Adobe Creative Suite
(Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign).
DevFest'19 - Google Developer Group of Capital Region
Women Techmakers & Google Developer Group
Designed flyer using:
Adobe Creative Suite
(Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign).
DevFest'19 - Google Developer Group of Capital Region
Women Techmakers & Google Developer Group
Designed flyer using:
Adobe Creative Suite
(Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign).
International Women’s Day (IWD'19)
Women Techmakers & Google Develop Group Capital Reg
Designed flyer using:
Adobe Creative Suite
(Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign).
March monthly Flutter Meetup
Women Techmakers & Google Develop Group Capital Reg
Designed flyer using:
Adobe Creative Suite
(Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign).
April monthly Flutter Meetup
Women Techmakers & Google Develop Group Capital Reg
Designed flyer using:
Adobe Creative Suite
(Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign).
Designed logos, flyers, brochures, catalogs using:
Adobe Creative Suite
(Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign).
Designed Developed Corporate PDF Fillabe Forms with Dynamic Fields for the intranet sites using:
Adobe LiveCycle Designer, Adobe Acrobat Forms Designer and JavaScript.
Designed flyers, brochures, catalogs for the Company Websites using:
Adobe Creative Suite
(Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign).
Developed and Designed monthly digital magazine for online private area using:
Adobe Creative Suite
(Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign).
Developed and Designed monthly digital magazine for online area using:
Adobe Creative Suite
(Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign).